Methodically, Measurably, Maximizing Business Value
Dr. Labovitz is the Founder and CEO of ODI, an international management training andconsulting company, and professor of management and organizational behavior at the BostonUniversity Graduate School of Management. He counsels senior executives on organizationalalignment and strategy execution as well as quality and productivity improvementmethodologies.
He is the lead author of the best selling book The Power of Alignment (John Wiley & Sons,Inc.1998). His latest book was released in late 2012 entitled Rapid Realignment: How to QuicklyIntegrate People, Processes and Strategy for Unbeatable Performance (McGraw Hill). In 2013,EBSCO publishing named Rapid Realignment as one of the top management books of the yearManager’s Choice.
ODI was twice named to Inc. magazine's list of the 500 fastest growing privately held U.S.companies. AT&T, Federal Express, Nextel, Procter & Gamble and British Airways are amongthe leading corporations served by ODI. Government clients include the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army,U.S. Coast Guard, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. PostalService. ODI was chosen by the United States Postal Service as the Quality Supplier AwardWinner in the small service company category from among 60,000 suppliers. ODI's healthcaredivision provides Continuous Quality Improvement services to over 240 medical centers in theU.S. and Europe.
Dr. Labovitz received Boston University's highest teaching award, the Metcalf Cup and Prize,which is awarded to the outstanding teacher from among the 4000 member faculty.
He holds a BS from Boston University, an MBA from Boston College, and a PhD from OhioState University. Prior to his graduate studies, Dr. Labovitz served in the U.S. Air Force with therank of captain, and was a pilot and aircraft commander.